Monday, September 3, 2018

BOOK REVIEW: The Long Night of the Eternal Korean War (by G. Arthur Brown)

G. Arthur Brown is one of my favorite Bizarro authors. His New Bizarro Author Series book KITTEN is one of my biggest inspirations as a writer. So I knew I would most likely love his newest book.

Well, I did in one way. It's an amazingly written book, weird and surreal as Brown's other works. The problem to me is that I never was into M.A.S.H. In fact, the series wasn't huge here in Brazil during my generation, and I think that influenced me in rating this book lower than Brown's previous works.

That being said, this is an intense book. It's surreal, but in a way darker than KITTEN, or THE GOVERNOR OF THE HOMELESS. The war landscape is a nightmare on its own, but Brown takes the comedic setting of the show this is a parody of, and mash it (pun intended) with darkly surreal, almost Lovecraftian elements to create what I can only describes as an unstable dreamscape.

If I was a fan of M.A.S.H. I'd probably say this is my favorite G. Arthur Brown book. But as much as I'm not a fan of the series, I'm a fan of G. Arthur Brown, and would highly recommend this book to anyone into super weird stuff (and M.A.S.H.)


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