Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Favorite Reads of 2015!

Hey guys!

I was going to complain about 2015 being a shitty year overall, but this was the year I got my first book published AND I went to Bizarro Con! So, I can say 2015 was shitty 11 out 12 months.

I'm not going to do a big recap on the year. Instead, I'll pick my top reads of the year.

These are not necessarily the best books released in 2015, but the best books I've read this year. And if you click on the titles, you too can feast your eyes on these exquisite books. After you buy them.

And, if you can, leave a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. It helps authors. It helps A LOT.

Oh yeah, all the lists are in alphabetical order. And they are all top 6s, instead of top 5s or top 10s. Because 6 is a nice number.

Let's get to it :)))

First up, the top 6 books released in 2015 which I haven't read yet, but am most excited about reading in 2016:

Michael Cisco's Animal Money

John Skipp's The Art Of Horrible People

Carlton Mellick III's Bio Melt

Max Booth III's How To Successfully Kidnap Strangers

Michael J. Seidlinger's The Strangest

Gabino Iglesias' Zero Saints

Now, my top 6 favorite collections/anthologies I've read this year:

Ecstatic Inferno, by Autumn Christian

The Four Gentleman Of The Apocalypse, by G.Arthur Brown, Dustin Reade, Douglas Hackle and S.T. Cartledge

I'll Fuck Anything That Moves and Stephen Hawking, by Violet LeVoit

In the Fishbowl, We Bleed, by Jeremy C. Shipp

Please Do Not Shoot Me In The Face, by Bradley Sands

Underlaid Overlaid, by Jordan Krall

And, finally, the top 6 novels that I read in 2015:

A Choir of Ill Children, by Tom Piccirilli

A God Of Hungry Walls, by Garrett Cook

I Will Rot Without You, by Danger Slater

Long-Form Religious Porn, by Laura Lee Bahr

Musclebound Mario, by Kevin L. Donihe

Teeth and Tongue Landscape, by Carlton Mellick III

That's it, guys. Hope 2016 doesn't suck for you.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Review copies!

Oh, hi. Didn't see you guys there.
How are you? How is your day? Just remember I love you, ok? You're as special as a Jeremy Shipp metaphor.
Now, here's the deal: I know you love me too. I remember the time you spent on your dad's old tool shed.
I'm sure you remember too.
So, in honor of those magical summer moments, I'm offering 5 review copies of my book BENJAMIN to the first five people who ask for it. PDF or Mobi, it's your choice!
All I ask is an honest review. Even if you hate it, a 1-star review would make me as happy as a 5-star one.
Well, not as happy, but every review helps.
So, who wants it? Just give me a heads up on Facebook or Goodreads, and the copy is yours!

Facebook page
Goodreads page

Thank you, I love you.

Friday, October 23, 2015

I'm a New Bizarro Author! (and I'm going to Bizarro Con)

Since the last time I blogged, this happened:

I am now an official New Bizarro Author!

Mid to late August, I was approached by author and editor Garrett Cook. He informed me that he had recently accepted the position of editor for the New Bizarro Author Series (Eraserhead Press' imprint that gives new authors in the Bizarro Fiction genre a chance to prove themselves as writers), and he offered me a chance to finally write my first book.
We threw some pitches around, and he liked Benjamin - although the original pitch was somewhat different (and definitely worse) than the finished product.
He created a Facebook group for all of the authors to work together. We pumped each other (wow, that sounded naughty) up, keep each other working. Every day there was a new "So, how is everyone doing" thread. We became friends and colleagues.
And I typed away, aiming for a mid September deadline. I wrote and I wrote, and I was able to get 20,000 words down on paper for his appreciation.
He liked it.
So, the hard work is all behind me, yes?
Now it's when things get interesting: I (and all of the wonderful authors with whom I worked it) will have to work even harder to promote and sell my book, to generate interest.
I want to thank Garrett, for the invite, plus Rose O'Keefe (Eraserhead Press' editor-in-chief) and Jeff Burk (author, editor) for all they have done to help me and my fellow New Bizarro Authors.
And I want to thank the authors, for all of their mutual support and encouragement. This year's class was a tight one.
We did it, guys!

And in other news, I'm going to Bizarro Con with my girlfriend!
Yes, Sarah and I will be going to this year's Bizarro Con. I'll read with my fellow New Bizarro Authors and I'll perform in the Ultimate Bizarro Showdown!
I did an Indiegogo, and I want to thank everyone who donated. Your perks will be sent out staring December, but the ones going to Bizarro Con will get theirs in hand!
And thanks to the authors who offered perks to help me get donations. You guys are the best!

See you in Portland! :))